Sunday, October 11, 2009

2009 Tournament a) Happened, b) Was Amazing!

After a one-week delay due to rain, we would not be deterred by a little snow and cold weather. With the courts dry by game-time and temperatures in the 30's, the 2009 State Championship commenced.

After a thrilling and surprise-filled preliminary round, a Turkey Shoot was necessary to determine the final four. If the semi-finals were dramatic and engaging, then there are no words to describe the championship match between Mark and Ron. Playing to 75, the lead switched (as per the hammer) in every single one of the first eight frames. Ron put Mark away for good after a few frames on the right side of the board -- with Ron taking the title in only his first year of play.

What a DAY!

See you all next year if not in the off-season.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

White Elephant Night, Monday, Sept 28

Bring a cheap, useless object (Hey, watch with the jokes, Marsha) next week to the regular season finale!

Marketeer Lee Ann Gustafson (who has had all the ideas this year) came up with the concept of a white elephant swap. Give something—get something. Big or small. But keep it on the cheap and kitschy side.

See you Monday—then on to State!

Gimme an L! Gimme a P! Gimme an S! Gimme a C!

LPSCLunar and Planetary Science Conference (League City, Texas)
LPSCLaboratoire de Physique Subatomique et de Cosmologie (Grenoble, France)
LPSCLouisiana Public Service Commission (Baton Rouge, LA)
LPSCLiquid Propulsion Systems Centre (India)
LPSCLiverpool Plains Shire Council (Australia)
LPSCLogic Programming and Soft Computing
LPSCLoretta Paganini School of Cooking (Chesterland, OH)
LPSCLate Payment Surcharge
LPSCLeveraging Privilege for Social Change
LPSCLanguages, Philosophy and Speech Communication (university department)
LPSCLincoln Park Ski Club
LPSCLand Protection Study Committee
LPSCLow Pressure Sand Casting
LPSCLondon Practical Shooting Club
LPSCLeicestershire Partnership for Safer Communities (UK)
LPSCLeshan Phoenix Semiconductor Company Limited (China)
LPSCLively Park Swim Center (Springfield, OR)
LPSCLow Pressure Steam Chest
LPSCLeeds Postcolonial Research Group (UK)
LPSCLake Parsippany Sailing Club (Lake Parsippany, NJ)
LPSCLightning Protection Selection Calculator
LPSCLibertarian Party of Seminole County (Florida)
LPSCLos Padres Ski Club
LPSCLow-pressure Systems/Cyclonic circulation
LPSCLoss Prevention Subcommittee
LPSCLaboratory Patient Safety Committee
LPSCLawrence Park Swim Club (Broomall, PA)
LPSCLaverton Park Soccer Club (Australia)
LPSCLoring Park Shuffleboard Club
LPSCLand Park Soccer Club (Sacramento, CA)
LPSCLincoln Park Surgery Center
LPSCLawrence Price Security Company LLC
LPSCLending to Professional Service Companies

Monday, September 14, 2009

Funny Hat Night a Success!

Thanks, everyone, for showing up in your finest and funniest. And Happy Birthday again to Mark and Ron!

Two more regular Mondays left before the big State Tourney. Watch this space.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Funny Hat Night this Monday, Sept 14

Not sure what to do this weekend? Why not work on your funny hat for Monday night Shuffleboard? Suggestions below courtesy of Lee Ann.

If Ted forgets, we can always tape the word "HAT" on his head.

See you at 7 PM.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yellow and Black (and Green) Theme

Proving once again that shuffleboard can be more fun than a barrel of drying paint, Club Members showed up last night for our first in a series of theme nights. Not everyone had gotten the memo, but improvisation saved the night.

Put on your funny thinking cap to come up with ideas for the next theme night -- funny hats.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Black & Yellow Theme Night!

Monday, August 24 will be the first in a series of theme nights at the Loring Park Shuffleboard Club courts.

Wear black and yellow -- the official shuffleboard colors -- to match the discs and scoreboard. Feel free to throw some green in to represent the courts themselves as well.

See you then!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Music and Movies Schedule

Looks like Walker Art Center's free music/movies series in Loring Park will run for four Mondays from July 20 through August 10.

Join us for what has become a classic—and literally priceless—night out. This year’s eclectic music lineup includes a roots band from Mongolia (think “Chinagrass”), plus local faves Roma di Luna, Gospel Gossip, and Halloween, Alaska. On the big screen, the Walker salutes one of Hollywood’s greatest film stars—the legendary Paul Newman. Spend your hot summer evenings with some of the actor’s coolest ’60s rebels: the brooding foil to sensuous Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof; the ruthless cowboy in Hud; the anti-establishment hero of Cool Hand Luke; and the smoldering pool shark in The Hustler.

Lunds will have picnic fare available for purchase in Loring Park. In case of rain, events will move to the Walker Cinema. Seating is first-come, first-served.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Ye Olde Eyesore

I know what you're thinking -- "I thought this blog was about shuffleboard. It seems to be more concerned with sheds."

Well, well, well. All I can say about that is -- Here's a link to a bunch of photos of the old shed, once called an eyesore by more than one passerby.

Enjoy. And I'll see you on Monday.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Thanks to LeeAnn for creating it, Kristine for photographing it, and all of the rest of the club members for coming up with the name for the shed in the first place.

Here are the pics of the new sign: